30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We stand behind the quality of our services.
30 day money back guarantee ServiceUptime provides a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the service for any reason, you will receive a full refund if you cancel your account within 30 days of activation.
Our refund policy does not apply to additional items or services such as: SMS Alert Messages, custom features, special discounted packages, etc.

No refunds are available after the initial 30 day period. Any request for cancellation must be received via the web, regular mail or fax and you will receive a confirmation upon the cancellation of your account.

Accounts cancelled/terminated by ServiceUptime for violating our Terms of Service do not qualify for our 30 day money back guarantee. The 30 day money back guarantee is limited to 1 refund per customer.

Please allow 3-4 working days for refunds to take place. Your refund will appear on your card within 7-10 business days after cancellation notice.

Website uptime is of critical importance to my business. I run several websites, all of which have some form of ecommerce running on them 24/7. If my site goes offline, I NEED to know about it as soon as possible. With ServiceUptime monthly service my company has the peace of mind, knowing that we will be alerted to any downtime on any of our sites and services.

John Westrbook - www.LifeEmpowered.com