Uptime monitoring statistics for www.accesshosting.com
Service: | HTTP (Monitor is DISABLED) | # of checks: | 575871 |
Host (port): | www.accesshosting.com (80) | # of outages: | 252 |
Check period: | 5 minutes | # of failed checks: | 812 |
Last check: | 3290 days 4 hours 39 min 18 sec ago (Monitor is DISABLED) | Uptime: | 99.859 % |
Since: | Feb 28, 2010 | Avg. response time: | 0.254 s |
Overall statistics:
Year | Total checks | Outages | Failed checks | Uptime |
2015 | 90244 | 116 | 190 | 99.789 % |
2014 | 104402 | 83 | 194 | 99.814 % |
2013 | 103714 | 18 | 280 | 99.73 % |
2012 | 104382 | 14 | 110 | 99.895 % |
2011 | 104079 | 8 | 13 | 99.988 % |
2010 | 69050 | 13 | 25 | 99.964 % |
Current year statistics:
Month | Total checks | Outages | Failed checks | Uptime |
There is no statistics for 2024. |